Why Dog Rolls in the Grass? 6 Interesting Reasons!

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Every time you see your dog roll in the grass and extend his nose into the lawn or garden, he is just one of the millions of dogs making the same curious gesture. Dogs do this because they love doing it.

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Dogs are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant foods and meat. But as omnivores, they also need to eat a balanced diet of carbohydrates and protein to provide energy for their body and support the health of their digestive system and brain. The cereals that you feed your dog are part of this diet.

Let’s discuss why your god rolls into the grass and how to stop this behavior.

Why Does My Pup Roll in the Grass?

Curious why your dog rolls in the grass? Is it about him doing what he wants, or are you paying attention to him? Let’s get a bit deeper into the odd behavior, as some dog owners have difficulty grasping why their four-legged friend rolls in the grass.

Here are a few of the possible reasons why your dog rolls in the grass:

1- Masking Their Scent

Dogs don’t have sweat glands, so they cannot expel heat through sweating. They pant to cool off and also sweat through their footpads and nose. This can leave a very strong scent for other animals in the neighborhood to pick up on.

Therefore, dogs roll around in grass or dirt because this material absorbs scent from the dog and can help with masking them from other creatures around them in the area.

2- Cleaning Themselves

Some dogs have a habit of rolling in the dirt to clean their fur. They do this to remove debris and can also be a way for the dog to bathe itself.

3- Scratching an Itch

Some dogs have an underlying skin irritation that makes them look for an itch to scratch. Rolling in the grass or dirt can help alleviate this itch as they cannot reach every part of their body.

If you notice that your canine is rolling on the grass to relieve an itch, it can signify skin allergy. You should consult your vet to get treated for a potential skin allergy.

4- Catching a Trace of Ticks or fleas

Some dogs will roll on the grass to pick up the remnants of ticks that they may have encountered while roaming around. The mere presence of the tick will cause them to scratch and lick their body until they remove it.

But, if you notice that your canine has caught a tick while out in the woods and you notice them rolling in the grass, it can signify Lyme disease.

5- Covering Up a Scent

Some dogs roll in the grass to cover up their urine or feces scent. This happens because these creatures have scent glands that emit pheromones that help them determine friend and foe.

All animals can tell the difference between other types of smells, but dogs need to determine whether these scents belong to another dog or not. Thus, it is common for dogs to roll in the grass after coming home from an outing to cover up their urine or feces.

6- Playing

Some dogs play in the grass and feel safe enough for them to do this. It also encourages them to go on a walk, as they may be more inclined to do so after rolling around in the grass. This helps their muscles and joints recover from a long day of walking around.

Should I Stop My Dog From Rolling on the Grass?

If you love to see your dog rolling in the grass, there is no reason to stop him. However, if you don’t want to see your dog doing this, here are the steps that you can follow:


1- Keep them at home

If your dog does this inside the house, it is easy to stop it by keeping them at home. This means that they will not have enough time outside and will be more likely to spend more time indoors with you.

2- Make sure they Don’t Have Allergies

If your dog constantly rolls in the dirt, it is a sign that it may have an allergy to this material. And if your vet does not find any evidence of a reaction, you should visit a specialist for further testing. It can be very easy to overlook allergies, so you should always ensure this first.

3- Try some basic Training

Finally, you can always try to teach your dog not to roll in the grass. This is not for all breeds of dogs, but if you have a labrador or a Doberman, it can be the last thing you need.

Remember that this kind of training will only work if your dog is trained regularly and not left untrained for extended periods.

You will first need to catch your dog in the act of rolling in the grass. You should immediately call their name and distract them by offering them a treat if you can do this. You can also use their favorite toy to keep them occupied and stop them from rolling in the grass.


Q: What if my dog only does this when I am not around?

If your dog only does this when you are not around, then it is likely that they are doing it to cover up a scent. This could be from their urine or feces, and they may be trying to cover up the scent so that you will not know that they have been there.

Q: What if my dog is rolling in the grass, and I can’t stop them?

If you can’t stop your dog from rolling in the grass, you may need to consult a professional trainer. This is not for all breeds of dogs, but if you have a Labrador or a Doberman, it can be the last thing you need.

Q: What if my dog has been diagnosed with an underlying skin allergy?

If your pup has been diagnosed with an allergy, you need to treat it regularly. You should get in touch with your vet about the next course of treatment and whether they can help you more.

Q: Can dogs roll in other materials besides grass and dirt?

Yes. Dogs can roll in other materials if they are available to them. These include leaves, snow, and even sand. They will roll on these materials similarly that they roll in the grass and dirt.

Summing Up!

Rolling in the grass is an odd behavior that all dogs do, even if they are not allowed. For most of these dogs, it is something they do all the time because it is part of their normal behavior. In most cases, you can stop your dog from rolling in the grass, but be careful not to do it too harshly. Always use your best judgment and consult with a professional trainer if you find it hard to control the situation.

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