Why My Dog Urinates Frequently? – Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

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A walk with your dog will make a walk to remember if they pee 30 times from your home to the place you go. That would be an alarming call for you and can make you feel numb or helpless. This article will tell you about all the possible reasons your dog starts to urinate frequently and how you can get familiarized with the habits and management.

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There are 2 categories in which you will be reading the causes

  1. Behavioral Grounds
  2. Medical Conditions


1. Age

Age is the most critical factor when considering urination problems, especially in dogs. Till the age of 2-7 months, puppies pee twice as the normal young dogs do; it can be as often as after every 2 hours. Younger dogs usually don’t get into these problems unless an underlying condition is involved. Female furry friends are more prone to have urination problems in pregnancy, post-pregnancy, and sometimes separation anxiety from puppies or their parents.

Aging can affect dogs mostly when there is a lack of sufficient house training or they cannot manage the stress. A force of any habit can also cause infrequent Urination that comprises just a few drops every 5 to 6 minutes.

If you face the situation of your dog peeing multiple times in a day, observe if you are trying to make a habit of some specific routine those days. If yes, the stress your pup is going through these days makes him pee frequently. These cases are typical and don’t need any particular medication to treat.

2. Urine Marking Can Be the Reason Your Dog Is Peeing Frequently

Urine marking is also one of the causes you shouldn’t be worried about. Marking their territory is what is said to be innate in these species. Whenever they change their place or parents and start to live in a new environment, they mark their territory by peeing more than usual or twice as usual.

Now, you must be wondering how you will distinguish between a territorial pee from others that might have any other medical cause. It’s simple; A normal pee will be a streamlined flow once for a more extended period than the territorial pee that is just a few drops at a time.

You might also notice this behavior when you adopt a new pup while already having one. A new pup will get into this canine behavior because he is sharing space and has to make it his territory.

3. Lack of House Training Can Cause Frequent Urination in Your Pup

 When you adopt the pet, you start to google how you can potty train them. Sometimes you gather all the details with the methods you must adopt, but the only thing that might get missed is the consistency. Some breeds and dogs learn more quickly than others, and some take time to be trained enough in different conditions. This is also possible that we train them to use a crate or a specific place to pee but are unable to get them to stick to it when some guests arrive, and a lot of the situations that might put a bit of stress on them where they need their parent for guidance. This stress or absence of their parent in such a situation can make them pee in different places at different schedules and times.

If you notice such behavior every time any specific condition or situation comes up, know that you need to train or spend a little more time with them to pee where they are supposed to be.

4. Excitement Can Also Be a Cause of Frequent Peeing

Just like stress affects them to change the hormonal balance or how they feel emotionally, Excitement can also change the way they feel; this reflex initiates a response that causes frequent peeing. It can be the Excitement of going for a walk or their favorite treat after they have done something their parents likes. There is nothing to be worried about taking to the Vet here as they will get used to it eventually.

5. Separation Anxiety Affects Urinating Cycle in Dogs

Separating from the loved one is much more painful in dogs than in other species. It affects them to the extent that they feel sad, lose appetite, and alter sleeping habits. Except for all these Changing in the Urination, the cycle is also the symptoms of feeling anxious about being separated from their parents. They will be Okay after meeting them again.

6. Weather Changes Can Cause Your Pup to Pee Frequently

Warm weather and outdoor activities can increase thirst in pups. With the increased thirst, they will be drinking a lot of water, which will eventually result in frequent peeing, mostly much more than they usually do in colder weather.

You will notice them peeing in different areas of the house wherever they will feel that you won’t notice quickly. It’s because the urge increases to the extent that they can’t wait for long enough to find a place to pee.


All the above-mentioned behavioral conditions do not need medical supervision or prescription to treat them; they get better with time or just by focusing on the cause of why it is happening.

The medical conditions you will read below need serious medical attention and a treatment prescription.

There are two categories of Medical Conditions.

  • Urinating consciously
  • Urinating Unconsciously (Incontinence)
  • Urinating Consciously

Urination can be caused Unconsciously without the knowledge or will of our furry friend, But if it’s conscious and you see the peeing in the odd or unusual places of the house, it can be because they can’t hold it even if they want to. They know that they are doing it but cannot hold it; in short, they experience a “bursting bladder” dilemma. If you notice the symptoms given below, it’s a good time for a trip to the Vet at your earliest leisure.


Causes include:

  1. URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS: they are caused by bacteria in the feces. Bloody urine with noticeable pain or tension during urinating are the symptoms of UTIs. Antibiotics prescribed by the Vet can treat them.
  2. STONES IN BLADDER: different Ions and minerals from the body make up these stones that stay in the bladder and affect Urinating cycle in dogs. Symptoms of UTIs and Stones are almost similar.
  3. DIABETES MELLITUS: it’s the condition when the excess or unmetabolized Glucose in the body leaves the body through urine, taking water with it. Excessive Urination with an enormous appetite and increased thirst are common yet noticeable symptoms.
  4. KIDNEY ISSUES: when the kidney struggles to maintain water balance in the body, this can lead to excessive Urination and excessive thirst. The Vet often goes for medication or surgery depending on the size and severity of the condition.
  5. CUSHING’S DISEASE: it’s a disease caused by excessive cortisone (a hormone produced by adrenal glands) in the body. This condition also leads to excessive thirst and excessive Urination in the body.
  6. Urinating Unconsciously

It is also called Urinary Incontinence which means your pup leaks urine involuntarily. It is caused when urethral sphincter mechanism insufficiency and sphincter in urinary tract gets weak to hold urine back. Most old-age dogs develop this condition and need medical supervision as soon as possible.


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